Music Monday: Sabrina in the Moonlight


When I was about 12 years old, my mom brought home a copy of Sabrina featuring Audrey Hepburn. It instantly became one of my favorite movies, and then a few years later the remake came out with Julia Ormond, Harrison Ford and Greg Kenear. My love for the movie grew as it was legitimately a great remake! At the age of 18 one of my best friends in college and I watched this movie weekly.  It was a staple and still is in my life.  The movie and its soundtrack bring back such great memories. Quotes like,
“David did a Gap ad” roll of my tounge with ease, and romantic ballads like “Moonlight” bring a smile to my face as I remember being swooned by my boyfriend at the time to the song.

This weekend Sabrina was on TV and I automatically tuned in, only to learn that my sister-in-law has not seen the Harrison Ford version, “sacre bleu” as Sabrina might say… so today I’m inspired by “Moonlight” as I prepare to introduce this Hollywood gem to her.

What are some of your favorite rom-coms?