Mission 2012


Happy New Year! I am back, I am back! Over the break, I was watching this Talk Show called “The Chew”and they had someone on who said we should not make “New Year’s resolutions” because when we break them early in the game, we feel like it’s OK to let them go…instead we should set a “mission” for the year. So here is my 2 part mission…stereotypical perhaps, even cliche…but this is it.

Part I Mission 2012: Organization…I’m tired…tired of forgetting where things are— or hunting for a paper I know I had “that thing” on there… touch paper once, somebody once told me. I’ve already reorganized the fridge and the pantry…my closet is next, which means purging will ensue!

Part II Mission 2012: Health
When I had the baby too many people told me that the weight would come right off if I kept breast feeding…yeah not so much. Instead the weight came off and came back on full force. It’s been over a year, and I my friends need to feel like ME again. So this is it. I’m getting back to it and hope to start feeling good again soon. There are some pants that I miss and love like a fat kid loves cake. So yeah…the time has come!

So that’s it. Mission 2012. Basically it boils down to wanting to be the best example I can be for babykins. I want her to be organized and healthy in life. What’s your mission this year?