Ciao 2011


I’m not sure if I will have a chance to write tomorrow…so I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you have an amazing time whatever you do!

I also wanted to thank you for reading and being a part of this blog of mine this year. I always love to see what you have written and hope to make my posts as interesting as possible.

Here are some of the most fun and memorable things that happened in 2011…(I’m sure I will miss a few)…

– Baby C in all of her glory. Watching her transform from a passive passenger to being in the drivers seat, walking, talking, eating and hugging her way through her days. Amazing!

– My family…ever expanding and supportive! I loved seeing nieces grow, cousins grow into friends and soon to be additions through marriage!

– Work…I love my day job. I love my work family and I loved spending another productive and fun year with them all!

– My art! I loved experimenting and every commission that came in this year was special! I can’t wait to continue bringing joy into homes, offices…wherever!

– The blog!! This year I really came up with the schedule , and I feel like there is a groove. A great feeling..and watching my number of readers swell has been so wonderful! You readers are the BEST!

– My friends…my friends made this year memorable…from birthdays to first steps, weddings to sad separations…all in all we were always there for each other and I am so glad we were together.

– Mr. D…nothing would possible without him.

So thank you! Thank you all for making 2011 memorable and special each and everyday… !!