Ciao 2011

I’m not sure if I will have a chance to write tomorrow…so I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you have an amazing time whatever you do! I also wanted to thank you for reading and being a part of this blog of mine this year. I…

Thursday Threads: 2011 Shoe-a-palooza

I know I have been MIA, but my guby was in town until this morning, the baby got us ALL sick at Casa Dubonics…and what can I say, I have not been online much. Today, the guby left and although we are all still coughing, things are better. I thought I would leave you this…

Warm Merry Merry Gifts

For as long as I can remember, giving the perfect gift has been one of my favorite hobbies. Last year after having recently having babykins, I realized how capturing the right moment is one of the greatest gifts…that’s when I started making the lockets. This year I am experimenting with something that I think I…

Music Monday: Christmas Time is Here

As the song says, “It’s that time of year, when the world falls in love, everyone song you hear seems to say, Merry Christmas may your new year’s dreams come true…”And it is! I love this song…and there are a few other slightly not too traditional songs that I love that only get played this…

Pretty in Pink

Come on over to the Florida Room for a view of my baby’s beautiful slide show of pictures! She’s the cutest in these yummers pics! Have a great weekend!! xoxo

Thursday Threads: Guest Blogger Sheffield from Back-In-Style

Today we are fortunate to have one of my good friends, the extremely stylish Sheffield M. from BackInStyle, guest blogging for us. BackInStyle is a wonderful vintage boutique who has outfitted the likes of Julia Roberts on the red carpet. Sheff is going to focus on one of the easiest things to give…a vintage handbag….

Book Soundtrack

I’m back! I hope you are all well and getting through yet another week…the year is coming to an end and the Holidays are knocking at on our doors! Well… Chicago was great! I love that city– gorgeous architecture, amazing museums, friendly hearty people (you know with substance) and the weather was fantastic! Cold, sunny…