I’m leaving on a jet plane…


And cue the music…
So tomorrow morning I am leaving on a jet plane to visit Jessica, our favorite Singleton in the Kitchen, in our great Nation’s capital!
I can’t wait to see her, visit museums with her, eat and…well shop (who are we kidding).
I will do my best to blog while I am there, but if I can’t you can rest assure I will let you know how it all went when I get back on Monday night.
If you REALLY want to know how things are going as I explore DC with one of my BFF’s in the whole entire world…well follow me on Twitter, @dubonics
While I am there I will break in my new sketch book as I have a possible new set of paintings to do for one of my favorite little girls in the world, Ms. Maddie, who really wants mermaids, fish and maybe a yellow submarine to share her room with her.