Calgon Take Me Away


So…I don’t think I’ve ever really complained about having too much going on …on this blog. Please, don’t get me wrong…it’s nice to have things going on…but Baby Mama is feeling a little overwhelmed these days…I have a lot going on…

1. Only 28 days or so of summer left …i.e. before the new season of School Programs begin at the museum.

2. I have 16 paintings to finish by the first Thursday of September for my show.

3. I have 5 nursery paintings I have to finish preferably before our move.

4. We’re moving…and that means I have to pack and hire movers

5. Friday I have deadline #2 for the book I am working on and must finish scanning images

6. The house must remain in tip top showing quality neatness at all times since it is on the market

…I’m sure there is more…but these are enough to make anyone feel a little stressed right?

Thanks for letting me vent. I promise tomorrow will be a little more cheerful.