A is for Adi


Tonight I worked on finishing up another painting. This one is for sweet baby Adi, the cutest little red head in the 305- by far!

Adi was born in August and her birthday story is definitely the best I’ve ever heard…and more than likely will be the best.
Adi’s parents my friends, Brette and Katie, weren’t expecting her to come so soon. So Brette was on a plane to New England when
Katie’s water broke. Katie had to literally hold Adi in while Brette
rushed back from New England to Miami and made it to the hospital with just enough time so spare. Our timely girl is now 5 months old and getting cuter by the
Katie, is an interior designer and made Adi’s nursery one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen! She used a gorgeous color palette of blues and corals. I hope the painting looks good in her nursery.