A Last One for the Weekend


This was a very big weekend. Friday was the JOBC Auction– which was a big success. Catered by Relish with a bar sponsored by Bacardi…it was a super fun event too.

Saturday– was a nice relaxing day of football, errands with my mom…and more football.

Today was a very entertaining day. It was the blessing of the animals at St. Philip’s –and Maggie came with us and was VERY well behaved. Sweet girl was the biggest of the dogs and was in the company of turtles, hamsters, fish and even a bird!
After that, it was time to help my friend Ana celebrate her bday (which is tomorrow and she shares with another dear friend of ours). She hosted a BBQ for the Dolphins game at her house—great food–great friends…and MANGO MARGARITAS! YUM!!

So in honor of a fun weekend full of friends and celebrations, I thought I would post these two spirited drawings from my sketch book. The “Vino” drawing is in homage of my friend Jess and the ninja is a funny conversation from years ago…the idea that we are all ninjas in our own way—and we all (most of us) like cocktails… guess you had to be there.

Anyhow, hope you had a nice weekend.