Blonde Mermaid

So my lovely blonde mermaid has found a new home! As of next week she will be hanging on the studio walls of the great Ms. Shana Nye, photographer exptraordinaire! I think red headed mermaid is a combination of jealous and sad because her BFF is moving on without her. This means I’ll have…

I love tumblr…

So I have a tumblr blog –which I use to collect images I really like and share them with other people. Today I came across this and fell in love. Don says it’s because it looks like something I would do… I think it’s because when I read this outloud I do so with a…

Day Job…

So, as some of you may know I have a day (VP, Education for the Historical Museum of Southern Florida). I love my job- it allows me to be creative and make an impact…and I have the most incredible, smart, talented and driven staff in the museum field here in Miami. The other thing I…

Hot town summer in the city…

…and Lovin’ Spoonfull starts to play, “Hot town summer in the city…” By George it’s officially summer in Miami. It’s like someone turn “on” the rain switch last week and it hasn’t stopped. You know how else we know it’s summer? My FAVE old man crush is taking over our TVs, Max Mayfield. …so what…


So when I originally drew this I was in college. It wasn’t until last summer that it came to life on canvas. Of the 25 paintings I did for my show last year, this was one of the crowd favorites. Today PB&J = BFF’s lives in LA with one of my BFFs. As I go…

En guard!

Je pense que c’est poussins son tres mignon. …in homage to the piece I’m working on how could I resist these peeps? This is what they are probably saying the one with the blue sword is French, his name is Jean-luc and the red sword is British and his name is Clive. Jean-Luc: En Guard…

Los pollitos dicen pio pio pio

This is something I am working now. My cousin Michelle (who’s my twin by birthdate) asked me to paint preppy chickies…I feel like I need to add something to the other two chicks…like a string of pearls on one and a monicle on the other? Thoughts…comments…

Creative Friends

So I am surrounded by incredibly creative friends. I thought I would take some time to promote them and their work…the thing is there are so many of you…I hope I get you all. First there is Nadia who I’ve known since I could spell my name. She is an artist, crafter and mother. Her…

Today I…

Today I started organizing the books in my office like this. I think it looks really good–and I didn’t have them in any particular order before… I do adore my books.

Getting Started

It’s no surprise that I am a fan of the internets (ha-ha) with several ways to find me through blogs, facebook and twitter. Dubonics ( Picture Bliss ( Images Twitter: @Dubonics Website: I started thinking about conversations with friends…and how I come up with the ideas for my paintings. That’s where this blog…