Last night I know that I posted the beginning if the bag project. Tonight I wanted to show the progress of the bag. This is an experiment. I know it needs work… does anyone have recommendations for a good fabric pen? The black paint isn’t working well for my signature outlines. I was going to…
Category: Uncategorized
Gables Grad…1996
In 1993 I started my sophomore year at Coral Gables Senior High. Over the course of three years, I made life long friends…friends I still talk to to this day…friends who are like family to me. The class of 1996 is full of wonderful people, fond memories, and the teachers who instructed me are still…
The morning after…
So last night was wonderful! There were over a 100 people that attended the opening night of my month long show at Books and Books in Coral Gables. Some were friends, some were family and others were gallery walk attendees. All in all everyone really seemed to enjoy the new works and how they complimented…
Drum rolllll…..and the winnnnnner issss……
NATALIE!!! HOORAH!!!!! another Bank Street friend wins the give-away!! Crazy- but true with 24 entries, D picked Natalie Yoshino Ellis as our second winner. Congratulations Natalie! I’ll work on the mini-queen bee for you and send it to your preferred address. Thank you to everyone for joining and commenting!! When we hit 50 followers we’ll…
Dream Office Studio
So I was thinking about what my dream studio/office would look like. First of all each wall would have a use– one wall would most definitely have to be basically a huge window to let in all the natural light available. It’d be better if it was a hinged glass garage door of sorts that…
Tar Heels…
So the secret commission I was working on…got picked up tonight, so I can share what it looked like in the process of making and the finished product. My childhood friend Elisabeth is the eldest of three. Her baby brother, Ben is not only not a baby anymore…but he is an engaged recent graduate of…
Easy like Sunday Morning…
I spent the majority of the day painting today. To go down the check list I finished one of my gifts for my friends Sarah and Charles…then I started 2 more for the show… – Dallas Hall – Silver Clouds After getting that going, I started working on a long overdue gift for the Baby…
You spin me right round baby right round…
So I’ve been hitting the spinning classes like crazy for two weeks. One thing this has done, is make me realize that I don’t want to come home and paint…which means that Sunday I will be painting all day. I have one to finish and lots to start…hope you’re enjoying what I’ve been putting out…
I’ve got a nautical themed pashmina afghan…
So when I was about 5…6…my mom gave me a necklace with a “C” charm on it. Only it wasn’t the letter C, it was a nautical flag C. I loved it. I also think I lost it. But…it brings me to this. I live in Miami, a city on a peninsula, a city that…
Fish are Friends
Olivia loves the film, Finding Nemo. Every time she comes over, she gives me the biggest smile and squints her eyes and nearly hops as she says,“Ceci, I want to go upstairs to your room and watch Finding Nemo and rest!”Just like that…that’s how she asks me. On Saturday I was at her house and…