Snails on Parade in the City Beautiful

Photos are courtesy of the City of Coral Gables. I first saw these whimsical and very pink snails during Art Basel last month. I thought they were FANTASTIC! …now 21 of them are calling my home sweet home of Coral Gables, for about 2 months. They are sprinkled in all sorts of formations throughout the…

Bee Book Project

I’m working on a book project about a Bee. It’s for the same people I illustrated the book about clouds for. I am working on the last few drawings this week, so I wanted to share a couple of the line drawings I’ve finished.

High Heels and Frijoles

My cousin Octavio is married to an amazing chef and food set designer (if you will…my mommy brain is not bringing the real title to mind) who also writes a great blog called High Heels and Frijoles. Her blog may be featured on the Spanish language cooking show, Delicioso hosted by Ingrid Hoffman, TOMORROW…with your…

Hair Baby Hair Mama…HAIR!

Having another hair dilemma. Feeling like my uber long locks are looking… A. Sloppy B. Ugly C. Unprofessional …is this true? I don’t know…you tell me because I am feeling like LOPPING it ALL off again. Here are some sketches…

Lucky Kids Magazine

One of my favorite things to do–and one of the places I draw inspiration from is my magazines. Once upon a time I use to get about 9 magazines, now I only get 5…but honestly, I need to renew some of the old subscriptions…and add some new ones. One of the new ones I will…

Beaux Arts Festival Wrap Up

This weekend was the Beaux Arts Festival at the University of Miami. This festival is such a nice way to start the arts festival season in Miami. Sunday, my mom, baby girl and I made our way over to UM and walked around, running into friends and taking in some great art. Here are some…

We Three Kings…

Happy Three Kings Day…Feliz Dia de los Reyes!…and my Chechi is 2 months old today!

Forgive me Father for I Have Sinned…

Yes…it is what you think it is.My mom’s birthday is on Monday 17th, and she thought these were great looking–so I bought her a pair.However, since I am in love with my jeggings, I caved and bought a pair for myself too. …feel free to stop being my friend at anytime (after they arrive in…

Things I’ll Miss from Maternity Leave

With a little over a month left of my maternity leave, I have started thinking of the things I will miss the most. Here is my pictoral list of some of the things…other than spending the day with the baby…that’s what I will miss the MOST! – Jeans everyday!– Walks whenever I want with the…