I love plaid. I think that a smart plaid shirt with a great pair of jeans and the right shoes is as chic as blacktie. Call me crazy! Here are some plaid things I found in the interwebs…

This shirt may be for the boys…literally but I think it would look cute on a girl…and if any of you are petit enough to fit into kids clothes, have at it because it comes from the Gap and is also on sale! $21 for it!!

Then you have these cute classic red plaid rain boots! Believe it or not they come to you from Target. I think over a pair of jeans in the winter these would be ridiculously cute!As if allll that plaid weren’t enough—Duck Tape has PLAID duck tape! You can pick up this nifty item at Target or most places Duck Tape is sold.
So there you have it…some of my favorite plaid finds. Are you mad for plaid too?