Happy Thursday! Only one week away from Thanksgiving! EEEK! Well, today I am wondering what to wear next Thursday and the items I am coveting are all bold and have a lot of character…and if worn together would be a lovely statement at the Thanksgiving table. Speaking of…do you know what you are wearing yet? I’d love to hear…I’m still not sure.
Last Christmas I bought myself a large silver monogram. I love love love it, but I honestly wear more gold than silver (except for my lockets)…so currently I am coveting a large gold monogram like this. Fortunately for me, my friend Colleen owner of the incredible store Stitching Around in Miami is now selling these. The large gold ones are $282…and this is definitely going to be my Birthday gift from me to me. If you have anything that needs monogramming or personalization, you must go to Stitching Around.