It’s Wednesday! That means it’s Wednesday Wardrobe…and I’m announcing the winner of the “What I Wore Today” personalized watercolor. First off…this is what I wore today. As you might notice, one of my three ribbons I put on just yesterday already fell off! It happened last night, “I wish for many happy birthdays for my daughter” slipped off my wrist while changing. You might also notice that I am wearing the bee earrings I was hunting! Hooray I found them!
…now drrrrrrrrrrrum rolllllllllll please! (sound the horns) (cue the lights)…. and the winner is…YEAH! So excited for this! Kristin from Bon Bon Rose Girls
Congratulations! Email with the picture you want me to work from, the list of items (if you want them listed) and address for mailing.