Last week I mentioned that Kristin had come to the rescue (again) saving one of my necklaces she made, which needed a few extra inches. Well, I forgot to post the picture of her with le bebe, post rescue. Anyhow…these days I get most of my inspiration from this little one. Mon petite bon bon! I may not be painting too much these days because she does take a good deal of my time…but she inspires me. These 3 pictures are from our 4 month check-up last week, where she was diagnosed as “perfect” and “growing like a weed”.

Here we are at Mardi Gras dinner earlier this month…
And lastly I will say that, I know that most people compliment me for le bebe’s cute ensembles…every now and then, they are inspired by Daddy…and this is one of them…but I did have to throw in a bow for good measure.

Sadly, our bow days may be behind us for a short while. I am thinking of shaving her hair for my mom’s claim to healthier hair growth—which she claims that having my hair shaved off as a baby lead to my thick hair— have you all heard of this or done this? (if you are a member of my family, you don’t count because I know you buy into this and did this to all your kids)… Let me know. She’s got a mean bald spot going on the back of her head and it’s bothering me.