10 years seems like such a long time…but this year I should be attending my 10 year college reunion. 10 years go by quickly… So tonight I think about some of the things that I’d like to accomplish in 10 years… 10 goals for 10 years…
Two healthy, happy cute kids…

Maintaining happiness with my family

Staying fit (getting fit post pregoness)

A lovable Golden…I wish I could make Maggie live forever, she’s the best…

It’d be nice if I could have some more children’s books under my belt…some more art shows…

A wall of books somewhere in my home…aren’t they pretty?

An in-house studio with chalkboard wall & cork board wall…

A comfortable home for our family (it’d be nice if we could always be in Coral Gables)

A creative and functional playroom for our kids

A big beautiful organized closet…
…I think the majority of mine are home and family focused because I’m moving and I’m prego…
How about you? Any accomplishments you’d like to check-off 10 years from now?