Joyeux Bastille mes amis!
Aujord–hui nous mange frommage…croissants…et il y a beacoup du vin!
You could say I am a francofile…but see my maiden name is Dubon…I’m part French. So, this entitles me to celebrate Bastille Day with the best of them.
Every year we gather our francophile and wanna be francophile friends and have a Bastille Day dinner. On the menu…entrecote, pommes frites, frommage, vin and of course eclairs! I even wear bleu, blanc et rouge (blue, white and red)…all day.
So Chin Chin et Salut!
Vive la France!
* this is a picture of my friend and Elisabeth and me in Paris, Summer 1991. We were 13 with one full year of French under our belts. We’re eating crepes on the Champs Elysee…this was the night I was introduced to Nutella!