I know it’s been a while. My computer was on the outs…but now I’m back and I have a week of sketches to show off!

It’s finally warming up again in Miami. So yesterday I wore sandals…new ones that had been waiting for sunshine.

Monday I had to wear tights because of my nasty curling bruised knee. Curling was loads of fun, but very hard…and will cause

Saturday was a busy day. Hosting yet another baby shower for a fab friend in the afternoon and a fun curling lesson at night. The shower was such fun and we played Gift Bingo which made present opening sun and interactive. My lovely friend Melissa is due in May and was surrounded by 32 of her closest friends. —Curling was hysterical fun…
Teflon on the bottom of your foot is challenging! Trust me. I have the bruise to prove it….so does my friend Ashlee.

Friday was so much fun! After half a day at work, we drove down to
Islamorada in the Florida Keys for my friend Robin’s wedding. It was gorgeous, and I LOVED my dress…too bad it was about 54 degrees! Anyhow we ate and danced the night away…and drank one of my favorite beers, Shiner Bock from Shiner, TX.

Thursday was busy, after work D and I went to Miami Beach for the kick-off night of
Dade Heritage Trust’s
Dade Heritage Days festival. Don’t let the title fool you…
Dade Heritage Days lasts nearly two months! Anyhow– after that we stopped at
Cassola’s for my favorite pizza in the city.

Tuesday was Texas
Independence Day…which use to be such fun to celebrate when I lived in the Lone Star state. I even have friends who get the day off! Can you imagine?

Saturday was a good time as we went to our friends Ben and Kate’s wedding shower. Ben and Kate are much younger us than we are, having just graduated from
UNC last spring. Actually I painted something for Ben, per a Kate commission last spring—you may remember. It was a nice night, and held at another friend’s parents house, right across the golf course from us, so it was a nice stroll.

…and finally the final sketch…from the last day of the Olympics. What a day! USA loss to Canada for Gold in Men’s Hockey…then a rather interesting closing ceremonies.
Anyhow—as you can see I’ve been busy. Tonight I started two custom bags that I want to have done by Sunday. I’ll post pictures of those soon.