I love the Olympics. There’s nothing like them…and every 2 years for 14 days, I am a happy girl!
Tonight I stayed home (since I’m not feeling 100%) and watched the opening ceremonies. It was great, we ordered food and had a comical play by play.
I have to say I wasn’t that impressed with the opening
ceremonies, Beijing are still stunning compared to these. I enjoyed Sarah, KD and the whales…but I feel jipped…where was CELINE!? Mike Meyers? Alanis? Micheal J. Fox?

Anyhow, I’m looking forward to staying home and watching the games.
Here are illustrations of the mascots (3 of the 4) and the logo.
I also went ahead and sketched my ensemble from today.
It was warmer than its been today, but I bundled up a bit since I’m still sniffly, tired and a bit hoarse. I’m VERY much hoping to feel better tomorrow since I have a fun weekend planned…farmer’s market tomorrow, girls valentine’s tomorrow night, and nothing planned on Sunday…but it’s a triple holida weekend…President’s Day Weekend, Valentine’s Day Weekend AND …wait for it…MARDI GRAS! Que fun! But…I have to get better, this cold already took my planned fun away tonight.